Henri the Mouse begins his journey toward an idyllic life and the mythical Happy Goat Farm. In this episode, Henri embarks on raising chickens and chooses a location for his coop.
When choosing a location:
- Provide adequate shade
- Ensure area is dry and on higher ground
- Place in plain sight of your home
- Protect from predators
- Review local ordinances and apply for proper permit
- Backyard Chickens - https://www.backyardchickens.com/
- The Featherbrain - https://www.thefeatherbrain.com/
- Backyard Chicken Coops - https://www.backyardchickencoops.com.au/
- My Pet Chicken - https://www.mypetchicken.com/
- The Happy Chicken Coop - https://www.thehappychickencoop.com/
- Randon Myles:
- Happy Goat Farm Theme - "the road to venice" from the album "love, I guess":
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