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One mouse's journey to an idyllic life

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Follow Henri the Mouse as he pursues his dream of being a mousesteader (like a homesteader but with mice). Henri will explore how to live a more sustainable lifestyle, only within the confines of his small house in the city.

Will his  journey eventually lead to the mythical Happy Goat Farm?

Henri chooses a location for his chicken coop

Henri the Mouse begins his journey toward an idyllic life and the mythical Happy Goat Farm. In this episode, Henri embarks on raising chickens and chooses a location for his coop. When choosing a location: Provide adequate shade Ensure area is dry and on higher ground...

Welcome to Happy Goat Farm

Henri the Mouse begins his journey toward an idyllic life and the mythical Happy Goat Farm. New videos beginning February 25.

About Henri

The Mousesteader

Like many of us, Henri has held just a regular 9-5 job.  Head to the office, work at a computer all day, maybe laugh with colleagues, head home, and then do it all again the next day. But he always had this hazy dream of a "better" life - perhaps living off-grid... in a straw bale house... raising goats and gazing at sunsets. You know, that sort of thing. He'd spend his idle time scanning Instagram posts, looking longingly at magazine articles, and thinking "some day."

The pandemic of 2020 showed him it was time to do something. Try something. And so, it begins....

Henri candid shot